Monday, April 25, 2016

Good Foods That Are Bad For Braces

Braces are attached to your teeth with an adhesive that normally will withstand the forces of eating. However, braces can be dislodged and wires bent or broken while eating certain foods. Check out some foods that are definitely dangerous for your braces.

Foods that are appealing, but dangerous during orthodontic treatment:
  • Chewing ice will destroy your braces.
  • Sticky food or candy of any kind (taffy, caramels, Tootsie Rolls, Gummy Bears, Now and Laters) damage appliances by bending wires and pulling cement loose.
  • Hard food or candy of any kind (Jolly Ranchers, pizza crust, hard pretzels, beef jerky, Doritos, Fritos, Cornuts, raw carrots, nuts) may do damage by bending wires, loosening cement under the bands or breaking the little brackets and tubes that are attached.
  • Foods high in sugar content (cake, cookies, ice cream) should be avoided whenever possible. If you do eat them, brush your teeth immediately. If it is not convenient to brush, then always rinse your mouth with clear water after eating sweet foods.
Remember, if you have any questions about dietary restrictions or good food choices, please ask us at Appletree Orthodontics!

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